Sunday 5 August 2012

Visual Mockups with explanation of each screen

The more you plan an event with the person, the person's island will be nearer to yours. The blue + button is for you to send an invitation to your friends.

Home (Reminder)
The lighthouse will have light up and signal to you that you have how many events going on for that day. (You will receive prompt to notify you) You can click on the it to show all the reminder on the reminder screen. 

Home (Invitation)
If you have invitation from your friends, there will be pigeon landing on your coconut tree. The one with the yellow mail means it's a invitation from your favorite contact.

Home (Invitation Confirmation)
After you clicked on the pigeon, it will pop up to show the invitation from your friend with the details. You can choose to accept, decline or close the window if you want to consider about it first.

Home (History)
When there are scrolls in the treasure box, it means that you have attended quite a few event with your friends before. Click to view all the attended event.

Home (Alert!)
This pop-up and guided treasure line will show, when you haven't plan an event with your friend for 2 months. Click to send an invitation to meet-up. If you ignore it, the island will then slowly move further away from yours.

Home (View Profile)
Click on the person's island to view their profile. The profile is based on what you've saved in your phonebook. You can click on the cross (x) to close the window.

This screen shows all your invitation from your friends and its categorize by the nearest date. You can select the tab to go to other screen to see Reminder or History too. The + sign is to create an event and send invitation to your friends. The Home button is to go back to the Home screen.

Invitation Confirmation
If you click on either Decline or Accept, it will pop-up this window to confirm again in case you clicked the wrong button. You can also click cross (x) to close the window.

Send Invitation
This screen allows you to send invitation to your friends for meet-up. You can set the date, time and also fill in the description for your friends to know about the event more. The Red X is to remove the person that you've added into this event. When you're done, click done to create the event. Or Back to go back to the previous screen. After you've created an event, it will notify you that if you want to edit or remove the event, you have to do it 3hrs or more before the meet-up time. As it is to prevent people from putting aeroplane, last minute can't go etc..

Invite contacts from phonebook
You can select who you want to invite by clicking on the Blue +. Click on back when you're done to go back to the previous screen.

This screen shows the event that you're attending, it is also categorize by date and you can also edit it by clicking on the Blue Pencil button. Or click on it to view the event with more details.

Reminder View
This screen shows all the details of the event that you're attending. You can also edit it here, by clicking on the blue pencil button.

Edit Reminder (You're the Host)
If you're the host, you can edit all the details or remove the event. Click on done to save changes. 

Edit reminder Confirmation (Host)
If you click on either Remove or Done, it will pop-up this window to confirm again in case you clicked the wrong button or edit wrong information. You can also click cross (x) to close the window.

Edit reminder (You're not the Host)
If you're not the host, you can only remove yourself from the event (not going) by clicking on the Red cross (x) or cancel if you accidentally clicked remove yourself from event. Click on done to save changes. 

Edit Reminder (Not Host)
If you click on either Cancel or Done, it will pop-up this window to confirm again in case you clicked the wrong button. You can also click cross (x) to close the window.

This screen shows all the history of the event that you've attended. You can view the details of the attended event by clicking on it, or delete it by clicking on the White (x).

History Confirmation
If you click on the (x) to delete, it will pop-up this window to confirm again in case you clicked the wrong button. You can also click cross (x) to close the window.

History View
This screen shows all the details of the event that you've attended. You can click back to go back to the previous screen or click delete to delete this attended event from the history.

History View Confirmation
If you click on delete, it will pop-up this window to confirm again in case you clicked the wrong button. You can also click cross (x) to close the window.

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