Monday 30 July 2012

Creating of first App (part 2)

SO! I came out with another idea, which is the Friend-Minder app! :)
This app allows people to create an Appointment/Event/Gathering with your friends!

My metaphor : One man island 

"No man is an island, Entire of itself,
 Each is a piece of the continent,
 A part of the main.
 If a clod be washed away by the sea,
 Europe is less.
 As well as if a promontory were.
 As well as if a manor of thine own
 Or of thine friend's were.
 Each man's death diminishes me,
 For I am involve in mankind.
 Therefore, send not to know
 For whom the bell tolls,
 It tolls for thee."
- John Donne

Which means human beings do not (or should not) live in isolation. All people are interconnected. A person is not like an island, standing alone and surrounded by sea.
No one can survive alone on their own. Even if you're one man with the entire island, you will also need someone to socialize/interact, if not you will be bored to death, unhappy etc etc...

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